Toggle locking the camera’s position camera will not scroll. Disable the lighting engine and show everything. They are in order: Sky, Parallax, Background, Platforms, Plant, PlantDrop, Object, CursorHintedObject, ParticlesBottom, Effect, Projectile, NPC, Player, ItemDrop, Water, ParticlesMiddle, Foreground, ParticlesTop, Nametag, InfoBars. Toggle the visibility of the specified layer. Useful for determining routes that enemies take, can get messy looking though. Toggle whether or not to clear boxes displayed with /boxes every frame. Toggle the display of collision debugging polygons if debug mode is enabled. Display the gravity at the player’s position. Useful in macros to give a character new gear replacing the existing gear, or you know, for fun. This can be used as a last resort if you are irreversibly stuck.

Kills the current character, incurring all normal death penalties (including permadeath!). Displays the total death count of the current character. Displays the total play time of the current character. Display the celestial coordinate of your current location. Display your server username and admin status. Display your local username and admin status. Useful when testing a mod as it will reload the assets without requiring to exit the game. Enables or disables admin mode, which enables all crafting recipes, prevents damage or energy loss, and allows access to admin-only commands. Use /help commandName to get detailed documentation.